Photo : Mark Nicdao Source : Isabelle Daza's Instagram Account

Photo : Mark Nicdao
Source : Isabelle Daza‘s Instagram Account

Of course this is not as astounding as we would wish it to be.  Georgina Wilson is a well-known attention whore and would unabashedly be  into anything to attract flies at any possible instance.  This time,  she poses with cousin Isabelle Daza for Mark Nicdao in an attempt to contribute to the cause of  their take on the cause for equality of gay rights.  We are clueless as to what purpose this photo [published on Daza‘s  instagram account] is driving at since both are not openly gay.  Perhaps it was just a spur in her lack-of-things-to-do-moment that urged them to cook up a thought that may or may not scandalize the church to further make them a stunning image flashed on the backside of  this era.  Oh, my… there goes my pitch for Isabelle to become the next Filipino Miss Universe!

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